Articles on: SaaS - Installation

Why you don't need to ask for cookie consent.

The cookie we use can be considered as an affiliate marketing cookie, however, it can be different than other providers you might know. As Reditus does not build a tracking profile you do not have to ask for consent.

We do not build a tracking profile.

We have Asked ICTRecht which is specialized in legal within IT:
"To make affiliate collaborations work as a revenue model, affiliate cookies and similar techniques, such as tracking scripts, offer a solution. After all, you need to be able to find out which advertisement led to a paid subscription. With an affiliate cookie, you can see through which advertisement a (potential) customer ended up on the website, and which affiliate has to be paid for this successful referral. In some cases, it is required to ask for consent for the use of cookies. However, for affiliate cookies an exception exists when certain conditions are met.

The use of cookies in the Netherlands is subject to the cookie law laid down in Article 11.7a of the Telecommunications Act (Telecommunicatiewet). In accordance with the Telecommunications Act, consent is required for the use of cookies for tracking purposes or to obtain analytical insights. However, consent is not required for the use of purely technical or functional cookies, or when the use of analytical cookies does not, or only to a minor extent constitute an invasion on the privacy of the website visitor (this exception only applies in the Netherlands).

Affiliate cookies

In the legislative history of the Telecommunications Act it has been noted that affiliate cookies fall under the exception of the cookie law, which means that consent for their placement is not mandatory. Condition for this are, however, that:
the cookies are only used for affiliate purposes (read: to indicate whether or not the affiliate must be paid);
no (tracking) profile is created of the website visitor; and
the lifetime/retention period of the cookies is equal to how long they are needed for the affiliate purposes.

Only then there is a minor invasion on the privacy of the website visitor. However, affiliate cookies do create a (tracking) profile in many cases. When they create a (tracking) profile, the cookies no longer fall under the exception and therefore consent must be requested from the website visitor to use them. Regardless of the requirement of consent, the obligation to provide information about cookies always exists.

Thus, under the current cookie law, consent for affiliate cookies, provided they are only used for affiliate purposes (measuring numbers and indicating whether or not the affiliate needs to be paid out) is not mandatory. In the future, a new cookie law is excepted. However, it is still unclear when this new cookie law will enter into force. Note that when a (tracking) profile is made of the website visitors or the cookies are also used for other purposes, the website visitor's consent is always required.

ICT recht - cookie consent Reditus

Updated on: 24/09/2023

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