How to add affiliate notes

Does the affiliate want to be paid out differently? Made a special agreement, or need to make any other notes? See here how to do so.

When you have a lot of affiliates, you might not know what you agreed with everyone anymore at one point. Make sure you keep your agreements clear, by adding them as a note against the affiliate. 

Common things to add as a note: 

  • Different payout method (like IBAN, Wise, or anything else)
  • Special deal agreed 
  • Meeting notes 

Adding a different payout method for affiliates

When you agreed on a different payout method, you can add this by opening up the 'drawer' with more information about the affiliate. 

1. Go to active affiliates; 
2. Search for the affiliate
3. Click on the affiliate row to open up more information

4. Add the payment details to the affiliate

5. Save the notes. 


Adding notes at the payouts tab

You can also add affiliate notes on the payouts page. See below on how you can do this; 

1. Go to Payouts;

2. Open the payout from the affiliate 

3. Add a note to the affiliate 

- The note will be shown at the affiliate level + next payouts 




Can SaaS companies pay out differently than Paypal?

Yes, but this has to be agreed with the SaaS company and they add the details like shown above in the notes. 

Do notes get overwritten?

Yes, you can make one note per affiliate. If you delete text or change things, it will be overwritten. 

How do affiliate payout work?