Want us to take of the payments? Learn how automated payouts work and can save you a lot of time.
Based on the feedback from our clients we have build a way for you to automate the payouts to affiliates, which will help you to not worry about them (and the tax complexity attached to it). See in this article how the automated payouts work.
Automated payouts are available in our Scale Up plan
How do normal payouts work?
See the full article on payouts here. In short:
1. Affiliates generate commissions
2. Commissions accumulate, and the affiliate surpasses your set threshold.
3. Payouts are created at the 1st of the month
3. You will payout the affiliates yourself
How do Automated Payouts work?
The big difference; we will do the payouts on your behalf. The process before remains exactly the same. See here the full process.
1. Affiliates generate commissions
2. Commissions accumulate, and the affiliate surpasses your set threshold.
3. Payouts are created at the 1st of the month
4. We will charge your payment method / send an invoice for all payouts to be done
5. A fee will be added to cover banking costs
6. We will payout the affiliates on your behalf
7. We will update your dashboard, so you can keep track of things within Reditus.
If needed; we will follow up with affiliates which did not added a payment method.
Benefits of Automated Payouts work?
What are the benefits of automating your payouts?
- Save your team time in doing the payouts
- You will receive one invoice; coming from Reditus
- No worries about about tax compliancy, as we will pay out affiliates
- No scaling issues; more commission won't cost you extra time or efforts
- More flexibility in how affiliates are paid out; Paypal or IBAN
- Always paying out affiliates on time
Automated payouts are available from our Scale Up plan.