Installing sign up snippet (into code) to send us referral data.

By installing a line of code in your sign up form, we are able to track who signed up via which affiliate. See here how to install this code (with examples).

The Reditus Sign-up Snippet is a single line of code that should be triggered after a successful sign-up submission. This snippet sends Reditus the email of the person who signed up, ideally right after registration or when onboarding flow started. 

Make sure to replace with the actual email address (the attribute) of the user who is signing up.

How Does the Snippet Work?

Before installing the snippet, ensure that you have already added the tracking script to your page.

When a visitor arrives through a partner referral, a cookie (placed by the tracking script) will track their activity. The next crucial step is for the visitor to sign up. When they do, within your set cookie timeframe, Reditus needs to receive their email address to be able to attribute it towards the affiliate. 

This email will appear:

  • In the affiliates dashboard
  • In your dashboard
  • We’ll also track this email in your Stripe account for proper commission tracking.

For a step-by-step guide per video, check out this tutorial:

Where to Find the Snippet?

You can find the Snippet in your Reditus settings. To avoid any mistakes, use the copy button to copy the code snippet directly without any typos.

Don't forget to change to the actual email attribute from your sign up form. 

How to Add the Snippet to Your Sign-up Form

Ruby on Rails Integration

If you're using Ruby on Rails, you'll need to mark new referrals when a user successfully signs up. Add the following code to your application to track user registrations using the Devise gem.

1. Controller: In your app/controllers/users/registrations_controller.rb, you’ll track successful user sign-ups like this:
class RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
def create
if resource.persisted?
# Account created
session[:reditus_referral] = sign_up_params[:email]
# Authentication failed
# ...

Here, we store the email of the newly created user in session[:reditus_referral].

2. View: In your app/views/layouts/application.html.erb, add the following code to call the tracking method after the registration is complete:
<% if session[:reditus_referral].present? %>
<script>"track", "conversion", { email: "<%= session[:reditus_referral] %>" });
<% end %>

React JS Integration

In a React application, you'll need to call the Reditus conversion event in the callback of your sign-up success handler.

handleSignupSubmit(values) {
const { signUp } = this.props;
signUp({ ...values })
.then(() => {
console.log('Account created successfully.');
if (typeof === 'function') {
console.log('✅ gr function is defined');"track", "conversion", { email: "" });
} else {
console.log('⛔️ gr function is NOT defined');
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Something went wrong. Please try again later!');

JavaScript Integration

For standard JavaScript, simply include the snippet in your success handler when the user signs up:

if (typeof === 'function') {"track", "conversion", { email: "" });
} else {
console.error('Tracking Script not running, check why.');

Advanced integration (Stripe or API only)

To enhance tracking accuracy, we recommend including an additional parameter in the email, such as your customer's internal ID. Since email addresses can change over time, having a stable identifier ensures consistency."track", "conversion", { email: "", uid: "your-internal-user-customer-id" });

Stripe Integration

After a user signs up on your platform, trigger the customer.created Stripe event and include the user_id in the metadata—ideally right after the signup snippet.

"id": "evt_1Example1234567890",
"object": "event",
"api_version": "2023-10-16",
"created": 1707859200,
"data": {
"object": {
"id": "cus_1234567890abcdef",
"object": "customer",
"metadata": {
"user_id": "your-internal-customer-id" // Matching is done against this field
"type": "customer.created"

Important: If the signup snippet runs after the customer.created Stripe event, it must happen within 30 seconds to ensure the Stripe customer is correctly matched with the referral.

API Integration

If you’re using the API, ensure you're on V2 of the Tracking API and include the uid parameter.


By following these steps, you'll ensure Reditus can track sign-ups and referral conversions seamlessly, allowing for more effective management of your affiliate program.

If you need any help, open up our support chat.