Articles on: Affiliate - Set up

Creating an affiliate profile

Why create an affiliate profile on Reditus?

Receive colloboration requests from B2B SaaS companies
Showcase your terms, to skip negation and dive right into the offer
Showcase your traffic, show if you have access to their ICP

How to create an affiliate profile in our network?

Go to the application page: marketplace application
Fill out all your details
Connect Youtube, Linkedin or Google Analytics (30%+ more acceptance rate when you connect a platform)
Submit your profile for review
Wait until you are being accepted.

Once accepted, you are shown towards SaaS companies who can reach out to you. We show you based on your audience, hence it is important to connect (multiple) data sources to be shown a lot more in the results.

connect profile

How does an affiliate profile look like?

See below an example on how your affiliate profile can look like. Make sure you add as much information as possible (without using ChatGPT).

affiliate network profile

Updated on: 24/06/2024

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